Saturday, December 5, 2009

Umm ... Kinda Frogot.

Hey Everyone!
I keep on fogetting to post on here. Haha. I guess I have been so consumed by other stuff I have kinda forgotten. Latley I have been thinking about 2009 and how it has been such a horrible year. Since the end of year is approaching very fast, I have deceied to make new year goals - for the first time. I have never done these before because I know that in the past I wouldn`t be able to keep them, or I simply would forget. But since it`s written down, and these goals will mean something. So here are my goals:

1. Spend more time with my friends and family.
2. Make every moment count
3. Have no regrets
4. Get good grades.
5. Be happier.
6. Get a tan.
7. Tell my family how much they mean to me.
8. Write an awesome song!
9. Get another award at school.
10. Do something nice for a stranger
11. Write something for Troy.
12. Discover a hobby.

12 goals, 12 months. I think I can do it!
If anyone has any goals, feel free to post them here!

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